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Great news from ISPserver! We have launched a new high-speed tariff - High CPU especially for resource-demanding processor-intensive projects.
High CPU tariff is powered by the next-generation Intel Core i9-10900K water-cooled processors, accelerating to a record rate of 5.3 GHz on one core and up to 4.9 GHz on all others at the same time. The High CPU servers use fast NVMe drives, which are 2-3 times faster than their predecessors - SSD.
The initial server configuration is included in the total price already. We will:
High CPU is a tariff with flexible configurations. You can customize the capacity of resources to fit the current needs of your project. It is possible to increase the capacity during peak hours or seasonal sales and promo activities and then reduce them after. This tariff is an optimal solution for hosting online stores, websites with high-attendance, and other large projects. It will perform great in both multi-threaded and single-threaded mode, which makes it a universal solution for frontend and backend developers.
Know more about High CPU